Hello, this is Dev_dog. In this post, We're going to check the way to get rid of blank lines generated every line when using csv.writer in Python. If you find any errors or have any questions, feel free. 한글 포스트는 아래 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다 : [KR/PYTHON] - [PYTHON3] CSV/TSV 매 행마다 공백줄 생성 문제 해결 방법 Development Environment Windows 10 python 3.6.4 Problem When creating a csv or tsv file through csv.writer in Wi..

Hello, this is Dev_dog. In this post, We're going to figure out how to apply and deploy the officially supported embedded server 'UNDERTOW'. If you find any errors or have any questions, feel free. 한글 포스트는 아래 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다 : [KR/JAVA] - [SpringBoot] Undertow 적용 및 배포 What is 'undertow'? Ultralight & High Performance Web Server Provide NIO-based blocking / nonblocking API Implemented in Java, ava..

Hello, this is Dev_dog. In this post, I'm gonna explain how to implement Trie data structure using Java8. If you find any errors or have any questions, feel free. You can check the former post via the link below : [EN/DATA STRUCTURE] - [DataStructure] Trie-1 : The Basis of The Trie Data Structure 한글 포스트는 아래 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다 : [KR/자료구조] - [자료구조] Trie(트라이)-2 : 자바로 구현하기 Implementation Trie using Java..

Hello, this is Dev_dog. In this post, I'm gonna explain the basis of the TRIE data structure. If you find any errors or have any questions, feel free. 한글 포스트는 아래 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다 : [KR/자료구조] - [자료구조] Trie(트라이)-1 : 기초 개념 Let's suppose you want to implement autocomplete, which data structure would you consider using? Trie data structure which is pronounced as /ˈtraɪ/ (or /ˈtriː/) can be a good optio..